Sunday, April 11, 2010

Himalaya Acne and Pimple cream

Now anyone can have an acne treatment the herbal way with this product from Himalaya originally from East Indian brand that is now available in the Philippines
Product description: Controls acne and pimples.Keep skin soft.
The Great ingredients:
Silk cotton tree,with its astringent and cooling properties, controls acne and pimples and prevents future breakouts.
Five leaved chaste tree reduces skin inflammation.
Aloe vera heals  and softens the skin

Consistency is like a paste that absorbs on the skin easily.
Has a mild almost nothing leafy scent.

I use it twice daily before my moisturiser, yes it can be used during day time it is mattifying so you can apply to
whole face to keep shine at bay while treating pimples cause by sun or makeup. As for night when I woke up
in the morning bumps are flatten and my skin feel soft.
I recently had a 4 weeks purging stage because of Tretinoin, and this cream really heals, dried and diminish
the bumps cause by purging! Right now this become my maintenance after Tretinoin, Effectiveness is excellent
so I really recommend this because it's safe to use plus this contains no harsh chemicals just Herbals!
Available at Watsons 30g for 200+

Hooray for Himalaya! Hooray for good skin!